Care Thread Blog

Patient Care Coordination: Activity or Accomplishment

By Nick Adams, President

John Wooden once said, “Don’t mistake activity for accomplishment.”

The Wizard of Westwood’s quote is relevant to the delivery of healthcare today, be it in hospitals,

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Founder’s Message: Andrew Shearer, “A Different Box of Tools”

By Andrew Shearer, CTO

Long before he won a Nobel Prize, the physicist Richard Feynman became known among his peers for his ability to solve difficult calculus problems that were beyond everyone else. He explained later that he wasn’t doing anything particularly clever.

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Founder’s Message: Nick Adams

By Nick Adams, President

For as long as I can remember, I have lived in the world of healthcare. Many members of my family, and even more of my friends, work in the field of medicine. In my “previous life,” I worked in pharmaceuticals and life sciences, in and out of hospitals and clinics. Being around my family, friends, and colleagues, it was compelling to me that so many of them were always checking the pager in their pocket or on their belt.

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